A new unit to the Death Guard is this little smelly wonder known as a Foul Blightspawn. For those who haven't encountered one of these yet, I'm really not surprised that much. This could be one of the Death Guards most underused unit in the new codex. Mainly because of the oddness of the model. He plays like a god. That hose and drum on his back is fused to his guts and then he sprays you with all of his Nurgly goodness. He also upgrades blight grenades with that juice, but his most important trick is that he makes enemies who charge within 7" of him, act like they had not charged that turn. Its called revolting stench and it might be the best reason to take this guy. He also reminds me of old school ork models with all of his quirkiness. Anywho..... Here he is.
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