Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Rhino 2

I’m really liking the rust effects on these rhino’s that I have been working on.

Biologus Putrifier

Tried this guy out on the tabletop last night and had a blast.   This is another one of those ‘odd’ nurgle  elites that nobody seems to like.  He’s freaking great!  He upgrades units blight grenades within 3” of him. He also has that injector pistol that does a d6 damage against living models.  Best of all he blows up when he dies and gives mortal wounds to all units in 7” of the explosion unless they have the mark of nurgle of course.  Add all of that to the fact that this might be one of the coolest models I’ve ever painted to date.  Really happy with this one!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Plagueburst crawler

This is what I was referring to when I was talking about focusing on only 1 model at a time.  The new plagueburst crawler.  Death Guard only tank.  This one has been loaded out with 2 entropy cannons, a rothhail volley gun and of course, the plague burst mortar.  I have given this one the look of oozing rot and a tricky rust effect on the under carriage.  The highlights really make the model.  I’ve also applied the withering taint to the cannon feed tubes.  This should provide an ongoing theme to the army I hope.

Sunday, February 25, 2018


So....  I had an epiphany this weekend.  A little bit of backstory before I go on,  I set up a game with my friend Bill and the Ultra Marines for Tuesday night.  I have not enough painted models for a size army to fight with yet.  I have always had a problem personally with showing up with unpainteds to a game.  Bill has one of the most beautiful painted armies that I have seen. (You can see some of it in this blog, just go back a few months.)

Anyway, I got excited and started my old style of line painting guys up to get ready.  These five are what I got done for my efforts.  Luckily, they are poxwalkers and not the plague marines, so I can get away with a little sloppiness.  Halfway through these guys, I started to get bored with them.......  Oh my goodness.  I couldn’t believe it, I had started thinking about these wonderfully detailed models like work......  again.  Hard to believe that I fell into that rut again.

These are the last Nurgle models that will be painted in line form ever.  Now that I’ve caught up with the mess that I started, I will try much harder to stick with the 1 model at a time concept.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Marine, old school, missle backpack on this one.

Really making some headway with this painting style.

Friday, February 23, 2018


Wasn't sure how this one was gonna turn out.  I kinda got a little lost in the process.  Too many arms i think.  Oh well, I think he turned out fine.  And now I have a little troop started.

New plague marine

So......  I'm having waaaaay too much fun with this.  This is one of the new "easy build" plague marines.  The cool part about this guy is......  wait for it.......  no glue at all.  They lengthened the posts for the easy fit areas and as a result, no glueing at all.  Even to the base. Not bad at all.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Old school

This is a guy from way back.  Half plastic, half metal, these were the reason some people got out of modeling. I am happy to be able to do this guy well.

There's nothing like a good sharp knife.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Foul Blightspawn

A new unit to the Death Guard is this little smelly wonder known as a Foul Blightspawn.  For those who haven't encountered one of these yet, I'm really not surprised that much.  This could be one of the Death Guards most underused unit in the new codex.  Mainly because of the oddness of the model.  He plays like a god.  That hose and drum on his back is fused to his guts and then he sprays you with all of his Nurgly goodness.  He also upgrades blight grenades with that juice, but his most important trick is that he makes enemies who charge within 7" of him, act like they had not charged that turn.  Its called revolting stench and it might be the best reason to take this guy.  He also reminds me of old school ork models with all of his quirkiness.  Anywho.....  Here he is.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Loosing it with nurgle

here's 2 more oldies.  The marine is from about 10 yrs ago, but the dread is from almost 20.  This is getting a bit ridiculous that I'm having so much fun.  And this is 6 models done in almost the same amount of days.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


I am beginning to have waaaaaaaay too much fun with these guys.  For 2 part, easy build plastics.....  these are the most detailed I've seen to date.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


this is my first attempts at....  new models, new paint style.  I release to you the Noxious Blightbringer.  I have been studying the GW paint pod casts and have gotten a lot of inspiration.  This guy was painted up and detailed in a minimal amount of time in comparison to my older way of painting things.  I still have some work to do to be really good at line highlighting, but for my first real crack at it, I'm pretty pleased.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Nurgle ( a beginning)

A bit of inspiration has hit me post big game.  The rot has called and I can't wait to get into it hip deep.  To get you up to speed, I've had a nurgle army for at least as decade now( a lot more actually) and it's been shelved for various reasons we don't have to get into.  Now there is a codex!  I've been waiting for traitor legion codexes for many moons now and this is more than I could hope for.  There is even info on the current legion status post Horus heresy and color schemes for the various off shoots.  I am going to do a cross between the weeping legion and the tainted sons chapters.  This is going to be an army with a lot of just stand there in the middle of the field of battle and as enemies get closer, they take wounds because of the stinkyness and all of grandfather Nurgle's gifts hitting them.  It will be a mixture of all kinds models from all different era's of 40k.

So.... without further ado....

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Project Mayhem. (Afterword)

Let me begin by relaying all of the events that constructed Project Mayhem.

Dalecon, DBGOLD (don't be gay on Labor Day), Rockcon,(now known as Snakecon), and the Big game weekend itself.

Throughout all of these events there were things that were part of my attempt to actually create a Big Game that everyone would be able to enjoy, and to bring back some old relics from the past and resurrect them for use in the future.

The first step that I could come up with was to try and attempt to get everyone on the same page with the information about these events.  That began my dive into the cyber world that produced my very own blog page, breakout onto Facebook, and the creation of D-co's own map world.

The next was to give a common enemy that would spark interest from both old and new members.  Eth Mongul's rise was an answer that turned out to be the right one.  It allowed me to revisit an old and very broken army that had been collecting dust for over a decade.  It also brought back memories of big games of the past.  The freezer game, Redeemer, The bridge.....  all of these came up from time to time during the revup to the main event.

I had everything in hand and then the unthinkable actually happened, GW unleashed 8th edition and everything changed.  The whole freaking medium from the get go and it sent me spinning a bit, but the base plan was still intact.  We had 2 teams, communication with as many members as I could get to, a place to fight over, and a THING to fight over.  So far so good.

Dalecon had to be adjusted a bit because most people at that point had not played the new edition yet.  So I changed it into events that I would set up and see if anybody was interested in playing them.  DBGOLD went to the creative uses of the generals and the map point structure itself.  There was a cause and effect going on that weekend that was the start of the real struggle for the storyline.

Rockford was when I truely lost my mind with the planning stages.  I had more things in mind than those that actually happened.  Mostly because of the poorness of the site and some poor planning on my part, a lot of what I had in mind for that weekend had to be shelved.  There was a bigger game that had multiple people on it that finished however.

After the Snakefest debacle, I spent a very long time coming to grips with the one thing that is true.  I just don't think that my aspirations were attainable the way I was going about it, and it was heading full steam at that point.  That was when I started playing with the idea of a smaller version of the big game in points, but all of us playing on the same board, at the same time.

Now I am not going to go in to critique this event, that job is for all of you reading this, but I will tell you all that I had the time of my life doing all of this.  We did everything from cyber movie clip making to cooking a pig.  There were over 90 games played and scored for the map.  Pictures and battle reports have been made.  We even managed to get the fund going again for future endeavors.  A new game was introduced to be played at the big game, and battles were being reported on in realtime.  I believe this might be the biggest turnout as well.  This was freaking great and I hope all of you have enjoyed yourselves.

I will be available for the next 'host' of the big game as a consultant and support person.  The map can be accessed as well. Terrain, hotel support, players are all something to get through me and the channels that have been set up.  If you don't know them by now, then you aren't supposed to.

Later dudes, rock on!