Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Table set ups

The 5 sites will have 4 tables in them all marked 1-4.  The 4th table will always have a portal on it.
This next part will require you to have the 8th ed. Rule book.

Table 1's:  The scenario will be 'Big guns never tire' And the deployment will be frontline assault.

Table 2's:  The scenario will be 'Secure and control' and the deployment will be vanguard strike.

Table 3's:  The scenario will be 'Retrieval mission' and the deployment will be dawn of war.

Table 4's:  The scenario is 'The relic' and the deployment will be search and destroy.

Tables 1-3 will each have 4 objectives attached to them.  The table 4's will have the portals as the objectives.

The areas of engagement on the map will be: Gorgon Hive, Ice Fields, Atomic Weapons Cache, Vraburogh Urban Sprawl, Shrine to the Emperor Ascendent.  We will be moving armies to the sites as they are set up both before the weekend (much easier for me) and during the weekend (a bit more work for Jesse and I)

Each player needs to get 2 games in throughout the weekend.

The Necromunda boards will not have an effect on the Big Game other than to let people interested in trying out that game system have a chance to actually do it without purchasing anything.  I will have a couple of already painted up gangs ready to go and since those games are rather fast games, they can be played in-between 40k games.

Special scenario's will not be affected by the above rules. They are there for peeps that aren't going to do 'specials'.

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