Tuesday, January 15, 2019


The big change here is for my friend Mark.  Marines Errant’s turn at nurgling up.  This is for challenge match at big game this year.  Enjoy!

Blight Hauler2

This is another Myphetic Blight Hauler.  I changed a few colors on this one.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


This is one of the new plague bearers from the Maggotkin boxset.  I did him the same way that I did the last one for the skin, just different colors obviously.


This is one of the last old school plague bearers left to do.  Maybe 2-3 more?
This guy is done with Drybrush followed by shades that are mixed with 2-2 lamiem medium.  It really sped up the process on the skin areas.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Wow!  A lot of these guys already.  Still quite a few more.


Playing with colors.  These guys are perfect models for this game!

Sunday, January 6, 2019


This is the sarge built in the old school 3 edition fashion.  Complete with Nurgling counterpart.  ( Not really a thing anymore, but looks great on the model)


I think I mis-numbered the last one, since I only managed to find 6 of them re-painted up.  So on to the actual number 7.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Start off the new year with a Beast Of Nurgle.  Old school one that I got off of china forge.  Trying and playing with newer color schemes again.  A lot of fun so far.